Monday, June 16, 2008

Horrible day

Today was a horrible day at work. I had 2 on vacation, 1 stuck at a client, 2 home in bed from late night work, a new guy starting and 2 leaving early for drs appts. Left us extremely short handed and made for a tense day.

Got some good stuff done, but found out a good sized customer was bought and upper management got canned. Things like that make me worry, but not too much, nothing I can do.

Golfed in a Best Ball tournament on Saturday. On Friday night I bought my new driver, it's a Nike Sasquatch Sumo2 square. It's ridikkulusly large and makes a hell of a noise when hitting it. I hit it well on the swing trainer and pretty consistent on the course. I had a few errant drives, but I definitely got some additional distance.

One thing that was funny was we had this douchebag in our foursome and he was spouting lines from Larry the Cable Guy, Caddyshack, Happy Gilmore and more all day long. He really needs to work on his comedic timing because 20 times a hole every hole is not funny. Also, a funny thing happened. The 8some behind us hit into us about 2 holes in. And I mean REALLY hit into us, like dangerously close and they knew we were there. We politely asked them not to do that. On the very next hole we're on the green and here come a ball, not 5 feet from 2 of our golfers. Then another, then a third falls short of the green, then another in the trees near us...etc.

So, we of course all got pissed off, me perhaps more than others as I hate assholes and also because I was one of the ones close to getting hit. So, we put out and I look up the fairway and don't see them yet....oops, my putter shoots out of my hands and jacks the ball into the lake. Hmmm, I guess they didn't drive the green on that par 4 after all. :) I had a little remorse, but not much.

Tomorrow we have a management offsite at a hotel. Our second one in a month, should be a barrel of laughs. I'm very frustrated right now, but not suffering from anxiety, so I guess that's good. I am looking very much forward to our vacation to the Wisconsin Dells next week though. We'll leave here on Saturday and come back the following Sunday. Should be a blast.

Ok, all for now. L8r.

1 comment:

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