Better late than never right? Just getting in under the closing bell.
Today was another productive day, which is a good trend. I had alot of trouble pulling out of the holiday funk at work but seem to be on track big time now. Ate a good breakfast of oatmeal, snack of lunchmeat and a steak salad from Quizno's for lunch. Only had one piece of the bread and had a healthy dressing.
Now here's where I hit the skids. Big time.
My company is doing a Biggest Loser competition beginning tomorrow at 9am. I told myself that I didn't care, I was going to start eating good Jan 1, which I did. Well, I convinced myself, pretty easily I might add, that it would be in my best interests to have a big meal tonight. So Kris and I hit the golden arches for tons of grease and fat. Then I had a cinnamon roll, some m and m's and a nightly snack of lucky charms! Holy shit! Not only did I fall off the wagon it ran over me. All I can say is that I hope it was at least worth it from a strategic point of view.
I need to rant for a minute on Mike Huckabee. What a joke this guy is. Can anyone with a brain believe that this guy is a good idea for our country? He's an ordained Baptist minister, he is extremely right and "religious". He has compared homosexuality to necrophilia, need I go on? Has anyone every been to a Southern Baptist service or funeral? Is the guy on that pulpit the one you want in the oval office?
If you judge a candidate by who their supporters are Huckabee would be a laughing stock. His top 3 celebrity supporters are Ted Nugent (Psycho), Chuck Norris (Action hero) and Ric Flair (Pro Wrestler). What a lineup. That would probably pull some votes in if they went on tour, but hopefully not likely in the polling places. I don't think there's room in those little booths for Nugent to perform or Flair to body slam someone. Also, no room for a Total Gym, although I'd make room for Christie Brinkley.
Perhaps you're leaning towards Ron Paul? Not I. Gravel? Not likely. Fred Thompson? Nope.
For me the only question is Obama or Hillary. I don't think we can do bad with either one, but I am more in line with Obama. Edwards would be ok as a VP, but he's too religious for me. I think the last 8 years should've shown that we need someone who can think on their own, not listen to the Bible to dictate how situations are handled and policy set.
Anyway, thats my political rant for now. I'm sure there's more to come.
1 comment:
I dont think Edwards is a captive of his religion. He is the candidate with the most populous message and I think the least likely to serve the interest of corporations at the expense of the "little guy". I wouldnt mind Clinton - I think her move to the center has been more strategic than heartfelt but I wish she would stand up for something, plant a flag and defend it. Obama to me is just to slick. He is a great speaker and move you but after the speech, when you think about the content, you realize that there wasnt anything. To much of a ssalesman for my taste.
Now that Dodd is out of the race I would have to go with Edwards, Clinton and then Obama.
Its a shame that Huckabee is such a theocon. some of the things he says - abotu the economy and forewign policy - are pretty good. But his social views are abhorrent enought o turn me off.
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